Due to Insufficiency of Water, It Is Impossible to Live on Venus

Үжин Болдбаатар
2 min readJul 1, 2021
Venus picture from NASA’s Magellan spacecraft and Pioneer Venus Orbiter.
This image is a composite of data from NASA’s Magellan spacecraft and Pioneer Venus Orbiter. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Pultarova,M. (2021,Jun) Life on Venus Is Impossible because of Lack of Water, Study Suggests. Scientificamerican.com.


At the begging of this article, it states a study on Venus’s surface temperature that illustrates even our planet’s most persistent microbes would not be able to get through this low temperature. This research contradicts the previous year’s discovery of molecules built on the burned planet and seen as the hope of living organisms.

How did they measure water activity on Venus?

A recent study estimates temperature, stuffiness and pressure in Venus’s cloud which contains broad sulfuric acid. The scientist were able to calculate water vaporization level; moreover, a microbiologist John Hallsworth said that their measurement on clouds show a hundred times low water molecules for Earth’s most drought-tolerant microbes could survive. He goes on to say that the probability of life in the clouds of Venus is impossible since it does not have enough hydration.

  • Earth’s minimum survival water value- 0.585
  • Water value in the clouds of Venus- less than 0.004

Have we lost hope of finding another planet?

Researchers noticed that the clouds of Jupiter may support life theoretically with enough water activity, which suggest water value of approximately 0.585 and temperature around 40 degrees Fahrenheit, supported by Galileo probe.

NASA Ames astrobiologist Chris McKay held optimistic viewpoint towards Jupiter; however, researchers suggest high ultraviolet level radiation may destroy the chance of survival and totally different calculating tool would be needed to exact chance.

In the end Hallsworth excited towards the fact that our ability to measure farwaway planets’ water value and chance of habitability.



Үжин Болдбаатар

Student, business owner, volunteer. Enjoys playing guitar & spending time with my friends